We Fought Them Out!

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: (white text at top) They refused to leave! (red text) We fought/drove them out!   Curator's note: This poster was printed for the first national elections in the newly created state of Israel, in 1949. The upper image is of an armed British soldier menacingly waving the British flag and standing before barbed wire and several tanks. He symbolizes the British role in complicating or preventing the immigration to Palestine of European Jews fleeing anti-Semitism and, after the rise of the Nazis, the Holocaust. In the lower image the soldier is himself fleeing having dropped his weapon and grabbed a valise marked "To London", ostensibly as a result of the Herut Party's pre-independence sabotage and anti-British militia activities. The logo of the Herut (Hebrew: freedom) party in the lower left hand corner, featuring an upright rifle in a clenched hand, signifies the party's embrace of armed struggle. Its outline evokes the geographical area not only of Palestine (the land mass west of the Jordan River), but also Transjordan (present day Jordan), which the Zionist Revisionists insisted were the actual boundaries of their nascent Jewish state.
Admin Notes



LOT Number: 1103291958

Vintage Israeli Poster - Herut Movement Election Poster 1949, British Mandate

Artists: Shamir Brothers

Technique: Lino Print

Year: 1949

Condition: Very Good

Size: 67x48 cm ~ 26x19 inch

Quantity: Out Of Stock

Price: $

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Vintage Israeli Poster - Election poster of the Herut movement. "Dafna" Printing Press [1949?].

Colorful lithograph poster. Illustration of two British soldiers, one standing next to a barbed-wire fence, holding a British flag in front of a tank. The other soldier holds a flag in one hand and in the other hand a suitcase with the writing "To London". In the center of the poster appears the Hebrew slogan: "They did not want to go! We expelled them fighting!"- used by the Herut in its elections campaigns.


48.5X67 cm.Very Good condition. 


From the collection of Dr Simon Cohen