Favorite Children

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: (large white text) The favorite children (white text) Israel suffers from housing problems? Settlements enjoy a building boom. Tuition payments increase? The state offers the settlements huge discounts. Poverty in the periphery? The cabinet decides to ease things on the isolated settlements. (yellow text) Publication of the national priority areas proves again what everyone knows: the settlements, the government's favored sector, continues to celebrate on our expense. _______________________ Translation courtesy of Dar Laor
Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

"It is most unfortunate that Sixty One, a think tank which aspires to lead the peace and human rights camp in Israel, has chosen the path of populism and de-humanization towards Palestinians. According to Sixty One, the release of Palestinian prisoners by Netanyahu shows that:

"[politically he] is being held hostage by people who care more about building a new neighborhood in the territories than about the security of Israeli citizens.

Sixty One drive home their point with great drama, adding: "In other words, you may come home in a coffin, but they [the settlers] will have Samaria".

[Context: Freezing settlement construction was an alternative goodwill gesture proposed by Kerry; Netanyahu chose the release of prisoners]


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