The sign post informs the Histadrut members of their duty to vote; "You're the one who decides in the Histadrut elections - 2 September, 1969; 19 Elul 5729." And in explanation below the sign post, "On this day you - the voter - will determine the make-up of the Histadrut's convention and you, the female voter, the make-up of the Women Workers Council. The members of the agricultural [workers] and local labor councils throughout the country will also be elected." The poster was published by Graphit Ma'of, designed by Yig'al, printed by Achdut Offset and distributed(?) By Forum Yachasei Tzibur.
This particular piece appears not to have been distributed since the margin cut lines still show. The poster - backed onto linen - is in very good condition with only a minor repair along the right edge and light age toning throughout.
poster size: height - 27"; width - 19 1/2"
Price: $200.00