De-Zionization of Israel

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Text on poster: Matzpen (Hebrew: compass) 1962 - 1987 - was the first leftist organization in Israel founded on anti-Zionism. Through publications and protest Matzpen supported Palestinian self-determination in the face of settler colonization. Though its members were mostly Jewish, Matzpen united Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs organizing for a shared country with national rights for both peoples and full citizenship rights for all who lived there. For more than 40 years, Matzpen’s vision and activism has influenced attempts to fundamentally transform Israel. De-Zionization of Israel and its integration in a socialist union with Arab counries – this is the road for solution.
Admin Notes
Hi Dan,

Thanks much for the email. I'm so glad you will be putting the Matzpen poster in the Palestine Poster Archives. Just seeds, makers of the Celebrate People's History poster series, is the publisher. I'm cc'ing Josh MacPhee of Just Seeds in hopes that the two of you can figure out a way to get two copies to the permanent archives.

All the best, & in solidarity,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: dan Walsh
Date: Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 10:58 AM
Subject: Dan Berger: your Matzpen poster

This is an enquiry e-mail via from:
dan Walsh

Hello Dan,

I am the curator of the Palestine Poster Project Archives...I have added the poster you and Joshua created:

Are you the publisher? Or is Celebrate Peoples History? Sorry if the answer is obvious...

We think your work belongs in the Archives...can you send us two copies for the permanent Archives?

Great work!

in solidarity,
