Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation:
(black text)
From the heart of the tent and the night of those who are exiled
From the humiliation of standing at the door of the Tamween*
We sparked our revolution. And on its path we walked
And the reins of our cause
Are in our hands
And we spread the blood and we cross
With the sun of sixty-five
Lyrics from a song by: Mohammad Haseeb Alqadi
* This refers to the food packages distributed by UNRWA to refugees
من قلب الخيمة وليل المنفيين
من ذل الوقفة على باب التموين
فجرنا ثورتنا وعلى دربها مشينا
وزمام قضيتنا هيو بايدينا
وفرشنا الدم وعدينا
مع شمس الخمسة والستين
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