
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Curator's note: 
The Hebrew word "Go" is creatively formatted in the shape of the number "75" as a way of satirically marking Israel's 75th independence day in 2023 and to suggest that it is breaking apart

The political message of the poster is: Netanyahu please resign from the prime minister’s office and go to jail





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Admin Notes

Eric Zakim

7:38 AM (6 hours ago)


to me

Yes, it’s a play. The Hebrew says “go” as in: Bibi, get the fuck out of the prime minister’s office and go to jail.

“Go” has been a constant in the anti-Bibi protests for quite a while now.

> On Apr 29, 2023, at 12:03 AM, PPPA wrote:
> Is this graphic a play on some Hebrew word/term/name AND the number 75 as in Israel's anniversary? What say the Hebrew?
> Dan