Against Disappearance

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source


Studio/K and Oo(y)ster Mums* host a film screening and conversation to raise awareness on the Palestinian struggle for freedom and the systematic oppression of the Palestinian people. As the indiscriminate bombings and attacks in Gaza have taken over 22.000 lives at the moment of writing, we condemn violence against all innocent civilians and call the Dutch government to work towards a permanent ceasefire. All proceedings of the evening will be donated to the Middle East Children’s Alliance.

The program features two films: our songs were ready for all wars to come (2021) by Noor Abed and Recollection (2015) by Kamal Aljafari. Both of them address themes of disappearance and displacement in the context of Palestine, while searching for languages of resistance. After the screenings, the event continues in SK4 (next to the restaurant) with a conversation between filmmaker Noor Abed and Prof. Chiara De Cesari (UvA), followed by a public discussion. There will also be a baking sale for further donations by volunteers from Studio/K’s kitchen.

*Oo(y)ster Mums is a group of art workers, friends and mothers based in Amsterdam Oost. It was formed in 2021 by artists and curators Katia Krupennikova, Maya Watanabe, Mercedes Azpilicueta and Sara Giannini as an informal mutual support group. Recently Oo(y)ster Mums came together to organize public events around pedagogies of resistance as a reaction to the genocide unfolding in Gaza and urged by the complicity of Western governments, institutions and mainstream media.


