Behind the Dream

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Art World

Posters Spotted Across Berlin and Venice Accuse the Art World of Complicity

Activist groups call on the art world to cease 'business as usual' amid conflict in Gaza.

Jo Lawson-Tancred - April 26, 2024 

Hundreds of pro-Palestine posters have popped up overnight around galleries in Berlin as this year’s Gallery Weekend Berlin gets underway. The signs mimic the event’s official branding but advertise instead “Genocide Weekend Berlin” with biting slogans intended to draw attention to “the German funded genocide in Gaza.”

Some of the more subtle posters satirize the jarring nature of a “business as usual approach” within the wider geopolitical context. One, for example, compares “mass murder” to the classic art descriptor “mixed media,” stating in either case “dimensions variable.”

Others take a more explicit approach, including one that reads “47 percent of Israeli weapons imports are German” and another claiming “Jews are arrested, Palestinians are beaten, German artists are silent.”

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