Language of Palestinian Tatreez

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Wafa Ghnaim via 


12:17 PM (33 minutes ago)






to me



I have 4 posters about Palestinian embroidery events that have occurred recently that are gorgeous and must be included in your archive. Namely this one: Designed by Benjamin Koditschek in 2025, by an event held by School of Visual Arts in New York by Jeremy Cohan for the Art & Politics Lecture Series. I have a few more and would love to acknowledge these posters and the designers! Thank you! Wafa





12:31 PM (18 minutes ago)






to Wafa



ya rafeeqaty Wafa,

I agree mia fil mia:

Send the other posters you have...PPPA will honor them all.

Standing With Gaza,

Dan Walsh



A revolution which does not aim at changing me by changing the relations between people does not interest me; what is more, I doubt whether a revolution which does not affect me enough to transform me is really a revolution at all. The Palestinian revolution has established new kinds of relations which have changed me, and in this sense the Palestinian revolution is my revolution.


Jean Genet  (1910 - 1986)

The Palestinians 





Wafa <>


12:36 PM (13 minutes ago)






to me, Wafa



You brought tears to my eyes! I will prepare all the materials for you. Thank you so sincerely. I am sending my greatest respects, love and solidarity.

Many thanks,

Wafa Ghnaim

Palestinian Dress Historian, Researcher, Writer, Curator & Educator

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