Israel Apartheid Week - 2010

Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message:

From: Josh MacPhee
Date: February 9, 2010 12:47:23 PM EST
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: I hope I am not bugging you...

Hey Dan-
Sorry for the LONG delay in getting back to you...I've been swamped...

Here's some answers to your questions:

Q: Did you do a Palestine poster "Ya basta intifada"? Got a jpeg?
Yes, see below

Q: What can you tell me about the "Free Palestine/Remix"?

It appears that someone got a hold of one of the Free Palestine stickers we (Justseeds) printed up last year, and decided to make a painting from it, and repost on the internet...

Q: The five b and w images you sent me...are those poster? Do they have titles? Ideally, I can put up all the info you see at any page at the site: artists name; date, translation (if needed); publisher; links....
They are all part of a series of stencil prints made by Erik Ruin, originally for the ""Olive on the Sedar Plate" theatre production. You'll have to talk to him about specifics:

Q: Is Just Seeds open to new artists? I sent the JS info to Michael Thompson and also to Doug Minkler. I am in touch with lots of poster artists and I want to be sure I am doing the right thing by you to suggest to them that they check out JS and maybe get involved.

Right now Justseeds is closed, but definitely please pass out info on to any artists you know, and have people get in touch with us...

If you can give me that info for your posters it will make the site all the richer and I am adding the word "catalog" to all the JustSeeds artists/Special Collections entries because these are working artists and the public needs to be made aware of the fact that they can actually BUY these posters. Right? This is a departure for me up to now because this is still my "homework" at Georgetown so technically it must be very neutral. But I don't care, I want to promote the artists of JustSeeds.

There are a few of the posters that are still available for sale on Justseeds. It would be GREAT if you linked to those, so people can buy them!!!

OK, I think that's it. Let me know if you have additional questions, and see all the images/descriptions below.


ps. Have you had any contact with poster maker Marc Rudin?? He did a lot ofo work with the PFLP, and I'd love to interview him....

The images:::

Josh MacPhee, Autonomy, ~2003, used for stickers, posters and t-shirts:

Josh MacPhee, Apartheid IsReal, 2007, poster design unused by Tadamon! Montreal, made into postcards:

Josh MacPhee, Stop US Aid to Israel, 2002, poster design:

Josh MacPhee, Ya Basta/Intifada, 2003, sticker design:

Josh MacPhee, Apartheid IsReal, 2007, poster design unused by Tadamon! Montreal:

Josh MacPhee, Israeli Apartheid Week, 2009, proposed design for Israeli Apartheid Week:

Josh MacPhee, The Real Terrorists, 2002, poster design:

Josh MacPhee, Intifada!, 2003, T-shirt design for Al-Awda Chicago, almost immediately bootlegged by multiple Palestine orgs across the US:

Josh MacPhee, Free Palestine, 2009, sticker design for

Jesus Barraza, Genocide is Not Justice, 2009, sticker design for

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