Levant Fair - Closing Day

Admin Notes

http://catalogue.swanngalleries.com/asp/fullCatalogue.asp?salelot=2201++...Sale 2201 Lot 86

39 1/4x27 1/8 inches, 99 1/2x69 cm. Litho Laks.
Condition B+: restoration and discoloration along vertical and horizontal folds and in margins.

Estimate $1,000-1,500[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]
Fay via cpanel23.teamholistic.com to me
show details Nov 10 (12 days ago)
Submitted on Friday, November 11, 2011 - 03:12
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:

Your name: Fay
Your e-mail address: FayKaye@comcast.net
Subject: Oskar Lachs Posters
Category: General question or comment
Poster Upload:
I am the granddaughter of Oskar Lachs. From where did you obtain these posters? Some have been altered.
How are they being used? My grandfather was a German refugee to the Eretz Yisrael in 1934. He was a Zionist and while it is fine to use his work to study history, it is not fine to use it to promote anti-zionist propaganda. Can you please provide me with some information about your archive and the curricula you develop?

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Dan Walsh to Fay
show details Nov 10 (12 days ago)
Hello Kay,

You can find answers to all your questions at the PPPA web site. Click on the "About" and "New Curriculum" icons for starters.

You are mistaken when you say "use it to promote anti-zionist propaganda" ... my site does nothing of the kind. The PPPA is a non-ideological site that presents posters, ALL posters, related to the Palestinian-Zionist conflict without reference to politics. Spend some more time at the site and you will see that this is accurate. In fact, the site is so apolitical (unless you believe that merely presenting the poster art of Zionism is, in itself, anti-Zionist?) that the leading poster artist of Israel, David Tartakover is on the PPPA Advisory Board as are a number of prominent Jewish American academics.

As to where the images came from, most come in unsolicited or are found at Flickr sites, purchased on Ebay or various auction houses. NONE have been altered by me.

ALL are formatted and presented well within the guidelines of "fair use" practices, the guiding laws of my country, the USA.

I answered your questions to the best of my ability. Whether you are related to Oskar Lachs or not it would not alter my answer either way.

Dan Walsh, Archivist PPPA
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Fay Kaye to me
show details Nov 10 (12 days ago)

I will spend some more time reading your site. I would be interested in knowing where your curriculum has been taught and what other projects your archive has been involved with.

I am sorry if I came off roughly. I don't expect you to alter your site based on my relationship to the artist, but I am interested in assuring that his work is accurately and fairly represented.

There is a gallery in Jaffa (Farkash Gallery) that sells his posters, but takes his name off of them. It annoys me, though I know there is nothing I can do about it.
The Israel Museum also has some of his work. They used some of it in an exhibit years ago, and then lost it.

I had the good fortune to meet David Tartakover in his studio in Tel Aviv a few years ago. He has some original posters, and I gave him a disc of other posters . There is one poster on your site, the last one (Save every Penny) which I don't think is his. I have no original of it and I believe Mr. Tartakover could verify that.

I find it interesting to follow how and where his posters pop up. I have no other interest other than to assure that his work is respected and used in ways that are an honest representation of who he was.

Fay Kaye
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Dan Walsh to Fay
show details Nov 10 (12 days ago)

I am finishing my thesis this month. When it is done I will put it up at the PPPA site and you can learn more about the New Curriculum and where it was used.

As for "assuring that his work is accurately and fairly represented."... this, I am afraid, is an impossible task. It would mean monitoring the entire world for compliance. I don't think you mean that.

What can be done, and what I hope I have done with ALL the posters at the PPPA site is provide the very best/most complete/most accurate data possible and format it in a way and at a site dedicated to scholarship and learning.

In the digital age of "re-mixing" and Photoshop there is no way to control what is done to images that were created decades ago and which do not have any continuing copyright protections.

That is just the way of the world.

- Show quoted text -You were correct...
Dan Walsh to Fay
show details Nov 11 (12 days ago)
... the "Save Every Penny" poster was by "Laufer" a new artist for the PPPA.

I think I know what happened: one of the translators was sloppy and just read the "La" and assumed the rest of the name spelled out "LaCHS"

I removed it from Oskar's Special Collection.


On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 11:47 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

I don't ask David for translation work...he has other things on his mind.

I'll ask one of my Israeli Herbrew scholars to look at it.


On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 11:29 PM, Fay Kaye wrote:
I don't think it says Lachs on it (in Hebrew). I would double check it with Mr. Tartakover.
If he verifies it as his, I would like to know. I think he was the one who told me it wasn't his.

Good luck to you.

On Nov 10, 2011, at 10:19 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:


this poster seems to have a very readable signature. I have a circle of Israeli academics and art historians who translate/interpret many of these posters for me. I do not put in an artist's name until/unless one of these academics approves.

Does it say "Lachs"?
