I Am A Jew - I Am An Israeli - I Am A Zionist

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation (blue text at top): Such a family (text on tags - left to right): I am a JewI am an IsraeliI am a Zionist(text at bottom)In every person and in every citizen, in Israel and elsewhere, there are many identitiesCurator's note: This poster announces an exhibit of caricatures titled "Features of the 50th Anniversary" (of Israel)
Admin Notes

DONE .... see inside .... http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/i-am-a-jew-i-am-an-israeli-...
Dan Walsh to Yoram
show details 1:02 PM (9 minutes ago)

This is an important poster for my target demographic (American high school students and teachers)

Comprehending the three separate and distinct identities outlined in this poster - Jewish/Israel/Zionist - is one of the most persistent and perplexing challenge that teachers raise in my workshops.

For Jewish people, Israelis and Zionists (who are well schooled in and comfortable with the distinctions) this is a non-issue. It is often difficult for them to even believe that there is anyone who does not "get" the distinctions. Interestingly, many Jewish-Americans who attend my lectures often come up to me at the end and say that they now understood the three registers for the first time.

So...pedagogically this is not only a seminal work it is also important politically because American culture still operates under the tutelage that says it is either implicitly or explicitly anti-Semitic to even ask questions about identity in the Jewish/Israeli/Zionist context. The fact that this poster originates from the Israeli discourse obviates completely that pre-existing taboo and opens the door to a fuller, and less dysfunctional discourse in the US classroom.

This is an example of what anthropologists call "migration"...the transfer of ideas and interpretations across cultural boundaries.

Also, I am sure it is a poster based on the original image sent to me and the comments in it. Basically, it is a poster made from a caricature, and no, I am not planning to expand the PPPA to feature caricatures as a major element. I usually only include them if they have been posterized or if a poster artist is also know for his/her caricatures, and in those cases I only include a few examples.

Thank you for this research.

blue text at top plus all text at bottom (If you can read it) .... thanks, Dan
Dan Walsh
11:29 AM (1 hour ago)
Yoram E. Shamir
Dan, I think this is not a poster, but a page in a book. Title: Such a family...
12:02 PM (37 minutes ago)
Yoram E. Shamir to me
show details 12:25 PM (14 minutes ago)
Dan, I found it !!!!
It is a page from a catalogue of an exhibition of caricatures , Features of the 50 th anniversary. It is offered for sale at the Ministry of Education, Youth Administration

Year: 1999
Publishers: Yad Ben-Zvi & Government Information Center

A blow-up of this caricature is exhibited at the entrance to the Israeli Museum of Caricatures and Comics, Holon

Dan, I hope you are not going to open the gate to caricatures at PPPA. My own exhibition contained 110. My next exhibition will be 40-50. I have to choose from thousands of works by the late Joseph
Bass, Zeev, Navon, Dosh, Mike, Kirschen (Dry Bones) and many more –each one drew thousands of caricatures. .Few of them designed (few) posters.
blue text at top plus all text at bottom (If you can read it) .... thanks, Dan
Dan Walsh
11:29 AM (56 minutes ago)
Yoram E. Shamir to me
show details 12:02 PM (23 minutes ago)
Dan, I think this is not a poster, but a page in a book.
Title: Such a family
The line on the left: Features of the 50th anniversary {probably the name of the book]. Yad Ben-Zvi , Government Information Center {Probably publishers of the book]
The line at the bottom: In every person and in every citizen, in Israel and elsewhere, there are many identities. The images are one-dimensional, emphasizing the contrasts [ This caption was probably written by the editor of the book]

From: Dan Walsh [mailto:ppparchives@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 5:29 PM
To: Yoram E. Shamir
Subject: blue text at top plus all text at bottom (If you can read it) .... thanks, Dan
