At the End Turn Right - Pride and Prejudice

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Title: Pride and Prejudice Inspiration: In May 2010 a member of Be'er Sheva's city council, Zachariya Ohev Shalom, attacked the municipal decision to sponsor a pride parade in the city of Be'er Sheva. He stated:"I don't hate the gay-lesbian community in Be'er Sheva, they are simply sick and in need of treatment". ______________________ This [series] is my senior project in visual communication studies in Holon Institute of Technology (HIT) instructed by Judith Asher. This project criticizes my country's current government's anti-democratic direction in the past two years. It is a series of illustrations that show an apocalyptic future scenario, in order to provoke and raise questions among Israelis about the direction the country is going. The text under each drawing is an example of something that has happened recently, that demonstrates the project's message. Sivan Hurwitz
Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

The building looks like a typical Israeli national health clinic, but it is called the National Institute for the Treatment of Sexual Deviations.” The slogan over the poster on the right, showing the heterosexual couple, is “I’m cured!”
