Morning Dan: Lemme see here, I don't know if anything I've ever put on the Visigoth or anywhere else for that matter has ever been made into a poster. I sort of don't care. What happens after I post any something is not so much my concern. I'm not in this for the money. However, were money to come my way for being a creative little dissident graphic anonymous anarchist, well, that'd be really cool. I'm not holding my breath. I've had stuff of mine posted by Steve of DesertPeace, and Mantiq al-Tayr posts my stuff and I think even the site will post shit on occasion. The Graphic Visigoth is my main posting site. Then there's an ancillary site of which is Donzo's Dreamtime and that's a WordPress too. I post also on Philosopher'sStone and that's a fairly recent adventure. By the by, Carlos Latuff is one of my personal heros. He is damn good. I even got a personal Latuff a way back in the day when G.Bushco was terrorizing our world. Nothing since but, I got to email at him for a brief moment in time and that was so fucking cool. Now, as to 'posters' well, I'm sort of unclear what it is you're asking me. On account of, anything like that is way over my head and technical expertise. I'm mostly a techno-Neanderthal and I'm winging it here. Okay and by the by and all that being said, I've got a mountain of stuff posted all over the web. I am one busy man. I think therefore I graphix. Lemme see here, I create stuff using bits and pieces of this and that I find wherever. Also, I'll gank an image and especially if that image portrays Israeli apartheid being directed at Palestinians. Then I'll make up a minor comment and splash that all over my doctored image. I doctor images therefore I am the Visigoth Tinkerer. (tinkerer?) I split images in half, I snag a thing and paste it over something else. Whatever works. Just so I can irritate the living bejesus out of Zionistas, Israeli government types, and ESPECIALLY Binyamin Netanyahu. What a dick! Of course, Abbas is not above getting a poke now and then. Servile sort of corrupt asshat. Oh shit, I'm being windy on this fine morning. Oh yeah, I'll see if I can delete your email address off'n the comments thingy on the GV. Shouldn't be too hard and if push comes to shove I'll just delete the entire damn comment as, I'm thinking no one reads that stuff anyway. I don't. Now always anyway. Be well my brother and please, help yourself, skulz p.s.- my regular name is DonOkay by me...with explanations... Inbox X Reply Don Nash to me show details 10:25 PM (5 hours ago) Hi Dan: You're more than welcome to use whatever I've posted on the old Visigoth. Most of my stuff wouldn't actually be posters. The work is graphic combinations of this and that I've grabbed from the public domain. Sometimes I simply gank an image that I find enticing. "Fair use" is my motto. I find an image, make whatever of it I will and up it goes on the old Graphic Visigoth and that's the end of that. Sometimes I do get all artsy-fartsy and wax massively creative but, and in general, I just tinker with whatever I've found. My work is purely political. Ergo, protected by Amerika's First Amendment. My work is not for sale. That'd sort of go against the code. You know, the "law of the West." Tip your hat to the Ladies. Be kind to children. Shoot first, ask questions later. Mount your horse from the 'left side'. And... Be as big an irritant to any and all politicians as God has given you the talent to do. Oh yeah. Feel free and always remember, the last train to Clarkesville leaves the station when it's good and ready. respectfully, skulz Reply Forward Invite Don Nash to chat Reply Dan Walsh to Don show details 3:53 AM (10 minutes ago) Yo, Don~ OK...I get it. You practice something akin to mainstream anarchism. My favorite modern literary character is the "Feral Kid" of "Mad Max" if you know him. So, some questions which I hope you will entertain: 1) Why do you say that your work would not be posters? I am sure you are correct but it would be helpful to know. If they are NOT posters...then I can't add them to the PPPA site. 2) Carlos Latuff also does not ever print his work as posters... but OTHERS do. So...the work gets printed as posters even though the artist is not the source of the printed piece. Are you aware of anyone else printing out your graphics as posters? 3) Your anti-Zionist graphics are unique on several levels. Do you ever write an explanatory text to go along with any of them? I found like three anti-Zionist graphics at the GV site: are there others? in solidarity, Dan PS: can you remove my original email to you via the GV site? - Show quoted text -
Bibity - Bobity - Apartheid!
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