[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]
Tarek Abdul-Al
Sep 21 (2 days ago)
to me
Submitted on Thursday, September 21, 2017 - 16:04
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:
Your name: Tarek Abdul-Al
Your e-mail address: tarek@abdulal.com
Dear Representative,
I am the son of the Palestinian artist Tawfiq Abdel Al. I found a few of my
dad's artwork published on your portal and I am happy to provide more
material if required.
Tarek Abdul-Al
The results of this submission may be viewed at:
Dan Walsh
Sep 21 (2 days ago)
to Tarek
Hello Tarek,
Thank you for writing.
We would be honored to post any posters that your father designed, or any other Palestine posters you have, at the PPPA.
We have some suggestions for how to shoot cell phone shots at our FAQ's.
viva Palestina!
Dan Walsh/PPPA
PS: How did you hear about the PPPA?
Tarek Abdulal
2:06 PM (3 hours ago)
to me
Hello Dan,
Many thanks for getting in touch, here attached a few more for your kind perusal. Please let me if you can uploaded to the portal.
Best Regards,
Tarek Abdulal