Last Khayber

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Islamic sources accuse the Jews of Khaybar of having plotted to unite with other Jewish tribes from Banu Wadi Qurra, Tayma and Fadak as well as with the Ghatafan (an Arab tribe) to mount an attack on Medina. Scottish historian William M. Watt notes the presence in Khaybar of the Banu Nadir, who were working with neighboring Arab tribes to protect themselves from Medina's Muslim community, who had earlier attacked and exiled Jewish tribes, accusing them of violating the Charter of Medina and (based on prophetic vision) of conspiring to kill Muhammad. Italian orientalist Laura V. Vaglieri claims other motives for the Muslim offensive might have included the prestige that the engagement would confer upon Muhammad among his followers, as well as the loot which could be used to supplement future campaigns. Source: ________________________________________
Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

According to B’nai Brith: The sign depicts the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and warns that, “The last Khayber is ready,” an allusion to an ancient battle in which a Muslim army defeated and slaughtered Jews in the Arabian Peninsula. It also predicts the coming of “the last Hayder,” a nickname for Ali, the leading figure in Shi’a Islam. Before I address B’nai Brith’s interpretation of the sign, a few preliminary observations are in order. First, the organizers of the rally (for whom I act as legal counsel) commissioned a set of placards for use at this year’s rally. The content of those placards was carefully reviewed and considered. The sign shown in B’nai Brith’s report of June 2, 2019 was never approved by organizers. They had nothing to do with it. Second, at the Al Quds Day rally held in Toronto last year, a pro-Israel counter-protester was photographed carrying a poster which referenced Khaybar.
