Life Worth Living

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Arabic translation:

That which makes life on this earth worth living


Note: This caption is from a poem by Mahmoud Darwish


How to Read This Poster

The Arabic text "That which makes life on this earth worth living" is followed by an (understood) "is" followed by a map of Palestine amid a panoramic field of wheat which results in this caption: 

That which makes life on this earth worth living is the soil/earth/fertility of Palestine (and by extension the stuggle for its liberation)



By Mahmoud Darwish

Translated by Karim Abuawad


That which makes life on this earth worth living:

the hesitance of April

the scent of bread at dawn

an amulet made by a woman for men

Aeschylus’s works

the beginnings of love

moss on a stone

the mothers standing on the thinness of a flute

and the fear of invaders of memories.

On this earth what makes life worth living:

September’s end

a lady moving beyond her fortieth year without losing any of her grace

a sun clock in a prison

clouds imitating a flock of creatures

chants of a crowd for those meeting their end smiling

and the fear of tyrants of the songs.

That which makes life on this earth worth living:

on this earth stands the mistress of the earth

mother of beginnings

mother of endings

it used to be known as Palestine

it became known as Palestine

my mistress:

I deserve, because you’re my mistress

I deserve life.