Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
A Tale of Two Cities, The Olympia-Rafa Solidarity Mural Project (ORSMP), located in Olympia, WA, is co-produced with the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice. The project was inspired by the life of Rachel Corrie, who was killed in Rafah in the Gaza Strip while defending the home of a Palestinian doctor from demolition. The mural is located in Olympia, WA, where Corrie was born and raised. ORSMP is four thousand square feet of interdisciplinary international solidarity. More than 150 groups and individuals worldwide contributed images to make visible connections between seemingly distant issues and locations. Innovative use of technology, including 'Call the Wall,' allows viewers to hear audio tracks associated with all the images in the murals, thereby deepening the viewing experience.Exhibition
8 March - 12 April 2013
Precarity, Public Art and Solidarity in Palestine and Lebanon
Break the Silence Media and Art Project
Opening reception with photos and media
Friday, 8 March, 6:00-8:00 p.m. 2013The Jerusalem Fund
2425 Virginia Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20037
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