Walls: Palestine

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Walls: Palestine, Josh MacPhee with various delegates, 8.5 x 7 inches, 47 pages, 2014 This zine is a collection of photographs of walls taken across cities in the West Bank and Israel from June 23-July 4, 2013. Walls play a complicated roll in Palestine. While urban walls are a popular site of much communication between both individuals and political factions, they sit in the shadow of THE wall, the giant Apartheid Wall that Israel has built around the West Bank and Gaza. That wall is also covered with graffiti and messaging, although there is debate amongst Palestinians about the efficacy of decorating it. Some feel it is best left blank, the giant sheets of concrete saying far more about Israel and its policies than any graffiti ever could. The artists of almost all of the graffiti and murals are unknown. Designed by Josh MacPhee with photos from librarian and archivist delegation members. __________________________________________________
Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Booklyn Portfolio

In 2014, members of Librarians and Archivists with Palestine worked with the art book house Booklyn to create a box set of art objects made upon our return from the 2013 delegation. As Booklyn notes, this box set “was designed as a way to document the Palestine trip and share some of what was learned, as well as to include publications and other material rarely seen outside of Palestine.” For more details, check out Booklyn’s site.

Copies of the box set are available on loan to librarians and organizations interested in exhibiting the materials (full list of contents below). If you are interested in exhibiting or purchasing the box set, please email librarians2palestine[at]gmail[dot]com.
