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Hebrew translation: Zionist Crystal Night
The Zionists turned Jerusalem, the holy city, into a licentious cave. How has the faithful city become an harlot? [Isaiah 1,21]. The Zionists decided to terminate the Jewish quarter.
On Saturday night, when Jews were praying in synagogues, hundreds of brutal policemen attacked people in Ungeren and Meah Shaarim neighborhoods, beating women and children, dragging them to waiting police cars.They beat women and children, carried out a pogrom in the notorious Nazi style.
British police, during the Mandate, has never entered synagogues, but the Zionist police attacked without restraint, with no respect to the holiness of the place.
We call upon those authorized by the Lord to govern his world, and according to UN resolution to internationalize Jeruaslem, to save us immediately.Curator's note: The title of this poster, "Zionist Crystal Night" is meant to compare the actions of the Israeli government to "Krystalnacht", a series of Nazi attacks against Jews throughout Germany and parts of Austria that took place on November 9–10, 1938.
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