[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]
Leila Abdelrazaq
Mar 20 (13 days ago)
to me
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Submitted on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - 03:42
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Your name: Leila Abdelrazaq
Your e-mail address: Leila.abdelrazaq@gmail.com
Hello! I love this website and come here frequently. Was on here for research
again and was excited to see the poster I designed, the 2017 Israeli
Apartheid Week Poster, featured on the site! However, I noticed that you
wrongly attributed the poster to Nidal el Khairy (whose other Apartheid Week
posters are wonderful). But the 2017 one was actually illustrated by me,
Leila Abdelrazaq :)
Thank you for the work you do on this wonderful archive!
The results of this submission may be viewed at:
Dan Walsh
Mar 21 (12 days ago)
to Leila
Hello Leila,
We LOVE it when artists write in with corrections, additions, etc.
Please send us the url for your poster and we will correct asap.
Have you done any other Palestine posters? Send us jpegs and we will add them all.
Do you have a personal web site? Send us the link and we will add it.
viva Palestina!
Dan Walsh/PPPA
Leila A
Mar 21 (12 days ago)
to me
Awesome! Here is the link:
Sure, I will attach a few other posters that may be of interest. There is also another one that is coming out soon for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day/Committee to End Security Coordination’s international day of action in memory of Basil al Araj. But I do not want to send it before it’s released by the organizers.
The ones I’m attaching are: Indigenous Solidarity (Palestine to Standing Rock) and a U.S. to Palestine print.
Other prints and stuff on my portfolio website:
Thanks for all your work on this project!
2 Attachments
Dan Walsh
Mar 21 (12 days ago)
to Leila
ya Leila,
Look it over for errors/completeness:
PPPA is an artist-centered site...its here to raise the voices and visibility of those who created and grew the Palestine poster genre. It is always improved by artist feedback/engagement.
Q: What should I list as your nationality? It matters for the Wellspring application.
Also...this is yours too, mazboot:
We'd love to have all data - dimensions, date, publisher, etc. ya'ni all the info entries at the PPPA page.
Dan Walsh
Mar 21 (12 days ago)
to Leila
PS: This poster was already up at PPPA!
How come u don't sign your work? Jus' askin'.
Leila A
Mar 21 (12 days ago)
to me
My nationality is “American” but since most Palestinians live in diaspora/don’t have Palestinian citizenship I consider myself just Palestinian, you can put Palestinian-American if you want.
Self-published the #NoDAPL print and originally it was like 7x9 I believe. 2016.
The other one is 11x17 self-printed on the risograph but also distributed in digital format by Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) in 2017.
Probably the real reason I don’t sign my work is stemming from something between “impostor syndrome” and not wanting to seem egotistical, both of which, I’m aware, are bogus reasons to not sign work.
Dan Walsh
Mar 21 (12 days ago)
to Leila
ya rafeeqaty Leila,
Check it out:
PPPA doesn't do hyphenated nationalitiies...its one or the other and you have to choose. You can also choose not to choose. I can tell you funny stories about artists who said things like that they were born in China but did not consider themselves Chinese (for whatever reason) and then became Czech citizens but had to flee (for whatever reason) and then went to UK where they married (for whatever reason) but had to leave and wound up in Mexico and could I put their nationatity as "Chinese-Czech-UK-Mexican-at-present (pending). The answer was no (for whatever reason).
Also more funny stories about the anguish artists go through over the issue of signing or not signing work. As an artist (who always signs his work) and an archivist who is trying to legitimate the Palestine poster genre I can tell you it is MUCH better to sign than not sign from a political/cultural/ethnographic/visual anthropology perspective. Plus other stuff. Why? Well that is a good q but it would take a seminar to answer suffice ti to say that the great Palestinian poster artist Hosni Radwan (who is recovering from a stroke) and I go way back and we have argued this point comradely for decades and since the rise of the PPPA he has come around to supporting signing in all cases. He got there himself. No help from me. The benefits are enormous not just for the artists (who are invisible till we know them/their work/their names) but also for Palestine. Example, here are some works by Elisabetta Carboni (now Montaldo) who as a young Italian hippy living in a commune in Rome did these seminal works:
Elisabetta is now, forty years on, Italy's most famous and accomplished set designer. She's still an artist, still active, still supports Palestine and it lends such gravitas and prestige to be able to link her work, and politics, to Palestine and its struggle for sovereignty, independence and return.
She too, did not sign her work but through diligent research, the emergence of the internet and some very light pencil marks on the back of one of her posters written by a Swiss collector decades ago..we were able to match artist-to-work.
What do you think?