PPPA has the original mock up board of this graphic.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Salim Yaqub
Date: May 5, 2010 6:13:41 PM EDT
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: Hey brother....I bet you never thought this would be seen again...right?
Hey, Dan--
Please forgive my terrible tardiness in answering--I've been swamped with work and have fallen behind in my correspondence. Thanks so much for sending me these images; they really take me back. In fact, I'd pretty much forgotten all about the 1492/1992 project. I still have a t-shirt with the picture of Capitol Hill. I don't recall an additional 1492/1992 piece, but if you remember it, it probably existed.
It sure would be great is someone wanted to publish any of this stuff. Congress-as-Israeli-occupied-territory remains relevant, and while the 1492/1992 link is now dated, we'll probably be able to revive it in 2092....
Tadamun indeed,
--On Thursday, April 15, 2010 6:36 AM -0400 Dan Walsh wrote:
ya rafeeqy Salim,
Take a gander...
I LOVE the links they support too...
Do you have a web site? I'll link to if if you like...
I seem to recall a second iteration of the "1492-1992" piece...one where
there was only one bulldozer and an entire Palestinian village in the
bucket, mazboot?
I will look for it. Do you have a copy?
Hey...if anyone wants to publish any of these I will see to it you get
paid! Tayyib?
From: liberation@igc.org
Subject: Hey brother....I bet you never thought this would be seen again...right?
Date: April 15, 2010 6:36:04 AM EDT
To: syaqub@history.ucsb.eduya rafeeqy Salim,
Take a gander...
I LOVE the links they support too...
Do you have a web site? I'll link to if if you like...
I seem to recall a second iteration of the "1492-1992" piece...one where there was only one bulldozer and an entire Palestinian village in the bucket, mazboot?
I will look for it. Do you have a copy?
Hey...if anyone wants to publish any of these I will see to it you get paid! Tayyib?