14th International Puppet Festival

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Curator's note: The two central posters in this grouping, "Abu Jabr Al Khalili" and "A Happy Woman"are by Natasha Al Maani. The posters on the far left may also be Natasha's work

Admin Notes

My Darling Rafeeqa Natasha....

Dan Walsh
10:53 AM (5 hours ago)

to Natash
...Even though your emails are VERY short...they are ALWAYS so interesting....sah...

Q: You THINK No. 2 is by you, mazboot?

Do you have a jpeg? Who was the publisher? What year?

Q: No. 1 and No. 2 (attached) in my original email...do you have jpegs or posters?

Q: You sent me two jpegs...one for "My Tree"... publisher? year? etc?

The other one is for Abu Jabr Al Khalili....this jpeg is COMPLETELY different from the poster. Are you trying to make me crazy?


Is it a study? A draft? Do you have a GOOD jpeg of the actual POSTER?

tadamon wa hubb,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Natash Mani
Date: 2012/1/21
Subject: RE: Who? X 2....Dan
To: Dan Walsh

no 1 4 me. no 2 I think its 4 me

Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 21:05:35 -0500
Subject: Who? X 2....Dan
From: ppparchives@gmail.com
To: m2amous@gmail.com
350K View Download

Natash Mani natashazmani@hotmail.com
2:48 PM (1 hour ago)

to me
Hi Dan

Abu jaber is min. I sent u a draft. Am not trying to make u crazy... (ma bi a little).. I dont Have The Final.
No 2. I think I made it a long time ago, its Handala , i'll try to find the poster.
My tree is a poster i made for Palestine T.V 20010