15,000 Jewish Soldiers

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Proclamation – "15000 Jewish Soldiers Demand a Jewish Army" 10. British Mandate, Underground Movements, War of Independence and the Establishment of Israel 15000 Jewish Soldiers, 1 Demand: A Jewish Army! [USA, 1940s]. Lino-cut in blue. The proclamation calls for establishing a Jewish army in the USA. The Revisionist Movement was active in the 1940, headed by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, towards establishing a Jewish Army to fight alongside the Allied Forces. When Jabotinsky died, the political activists of Etzel staying at that time in the US, started a propaganda campaign to enhance the achievement of this goal, an action which served as an incentive for Zionists of the central stream to join the struggle. In May 1944 "The Jewish Committee for Liberating the Nation" was founded and acted to save Jews in Europe, to establish a Jewish army and a Jewish state in Eretz Israel. 48X31.5 cm. Good condition. Opening- $600