Dan Walsh
2:54 PM (2 hours ago)
to Deric
Hello Deric,
Thanks for sending that url...very interesting stuff.
PPPA has most of those posters but the ones we do not have we will add and place a credit for you and also a link to your web site.
Q: Can u send us bette/bigger jpegs of the posters we want to add? There may be 8 or ten or so. We need to read artists' signatures, dates, small print.
Dan Walsh/PPPA
4:31 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
Images are not displayed. Display images below - Always display images from portobello@woosh.co.nz
Hi Dan
will do, wait until all are posted then let me know which ones and I will photograph them properly for you
From: Dan Walsh
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 8:54 AM
To: Deric Blackler
Subject: Re: [ PPPA Contact Form Submission]
[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]
Deric Blackler
2:33 AM (15 hours ago)
to me
Submitted on Monday, January 25, 2016 - 07:33
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:
Your name: Deric Blackler
Your e-mail address: portobello@woosh.co.nz
hi, have just purchased a large collection of Palestinian posters half of
which I have put on line, maybe of interest to you. I have a few that are on
your wanted list. I will post the rest in a day or two
regards deric
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