Abdul Kader El Husseini

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
30th anniversary of the martyr Abdel Kader el Husseini - 8/4/1948 - 8/4/1978
Admin Notes

No. 74 in The Palestinian Poster

Begin forwarded message:

From: Claude Lazarovici
Date: February 22, 2010 9:30:33 AM EST
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: I created a new Special Collection for your Palestine posters...

yes, it is Ezzedine Kalak who asked me to do a poster about Al Husseini, an he's the father of a friend of mine ,a woman painter Joumane Husseini,that I met in Libanon
Le 21 févr. 2010 à 19:03, Dan Walsh a écrit :

hi Claude,

Do you mean this poster?


Thanks for your nice comment. Did you get my note about using the photo you sent?


On Feb 21, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Claude Lazarovici wrote:

I just saw your poster collection; it's just amazing what you have!!!
i found another of mine :
page 58 Adelkader al husseini 1978
Le 18 févr. 2010 à 17:20, Dan Walsh a écrit :

Rafeeqy Claude,

I decided to look for the poster in the photo you sent. Here it is:


I would love to include the Mons photo in our "Sightings" gallery but I think Leila should give permission as well. Would you mind emailing her about this?

What year did you create "Pas de Paix"?

I am donating all the PPPA duplicates to the Georgetown University Special Collections Library. This is an effort to legitimatize the Palestine poster genre in the US, however, my records show that there might be a third duplicate of "Pas de Paix" and if there is I shall send it to you if you like.

in solidarity,
