The original study/draft of this poster's image may be viewed here
Special thanks to Rochelle Davis and Andrea Davis for organizing and creating this portfolio
P1020728 DWPO.2010b.026 Abu Jaber al-Khalili Al Ma'ani Natasha Palestine Palestinian National Theater Palestine 2003 Aug-10 67.9 x 48.5 Performance, Theater Photo of man leaning on a cane with a painted woman seated behind him, purple background Abu Jaber al-Khalili [UL, title of play in Arabic]/ Produced by: The Palestinian National Theater 2003 [vert. right side of poster, in Arabic & English]/ Sponsored by NORAD [bottom left]/ Based on the story by: Tawfiq Fayyad/ Prepared and Directed by: Kamel al-Basha/ Acted by: Imad Maz'aru [LL, in Arabic]/ Natasha al-Ma'ani [vert left, in Arabic]/. أبو جابر الخليلي\ إنتاج: المسرح الوطني الفلسطيني 2003\ بدعم من NORAD\ عن قصة: توفيق فياض\ اعداد واخراج: كامل الباشا\ تمثيل: عماد مزعرو\ ناتاشا المعاني\. Poster Two folding creases on the bottom right corner of poster Arabic Dan Walsh