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61 x 42,5 cm, red, blue and black / rouge, bleu et noir Horizontal crease and vertical crease, else fine (dark traces on photo are shadows) / Pli horizontal et pli vertical, sinon excellent état (les traces sombres sur la photo sont des ombres). Al- Asifah (The Storm) was the armed wing of the FATEH, founded in 1964. Gradualy, the Arab countries refused to support it, accusing it of adventurism, and finally, only Syria maintened its support. On May 9, 1983, some members of the FATEH entered in dissidence in Baalbek, in the North-East of Lebanon, and, on June 21, they managed to take control of the Beirut-Damascus road. In 24 June, Yasser Arafat was expelled from Damas / Al-Assifa (La Tempête) était la branche armée du FATH fondée en 1964. Peu à peu, les pays arabes ont refusé de la soutenir, l accusant d aventurisme et, finalement, seule la Syrie lui a apporté son soutien. Le 9 mai 1983, des membres du FATH sont entrés en dissidence à Baalbek, dans le Nord-Est du Liban, et, le 21 juin, réussirent à prendre le contrôle de la route Beyrouth-Damas. Le 24 juin, Yasser Arafat fut expulsé de Damas. There is this inscribing at the bottom edge of the poster / Cette inscription figure au bord inférieur de l affiche : "Our heroes who have personified the political line of armed struagle (sic). They who have defended the pursuit of the struggle against the zionist enemy have been assassinated by Arafat s reactionary leadership. But their martyrdom has fortified the revolutionary line towards : Our national peoples democratic revolution." / Palestine. (P173). Seller Inventory # 18832