Adults Read

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Arabic translation: Open a book, open the doors Adults read One in every five people cannot read this text NK
Admin Notes

P1030685 DWPO.2009.077 Adults Read Campaign for Education Palestinian Coalition for Safe School Environment Palestine 2009 2009 29.7 x 41.7 Literacy, books, Public Service Announcement Colorful picture of many people standing on a section of the globe with an open book and pencil in the center, white strip below with writing at bottom Open a book, Open the doors/ Adults/ Read [center on either page of the book/ 22 April 2009 [left-center on the pencil]/ Adults Read/ One in every five people/ cannot read this passage/ International Campaign/ for Education/ Palestinian Coalition for Safe School Environment/ Network of Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations/ PNGONET [bottom center]/. افتحوا الكتاب, افتحوا الأبواب\ الكبار\ يقرؤون\ 22 نيسان / أبريل 2009\ الكبار يقرؤون\ يوجد واحد من كل خمسة أشخاص\ لا يستطيعون قراءة هذا النص\ الحملة العالمية\ للتعليم\ الائتلاف الفلسطيني من أجل بيئة تعلمية امنة\ شبكة المنظمات الأهلية الفلسطينية\. Poster Arabic Dan Walsh