Al 'Asifah Calendar 1971 - January

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Submitted on Monday, August 16, 2021 - 16:13
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Your name: Amira
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Hello. I don't wish for this message to be published or anything, but I was
just so excited when we found this. The calendar from 1971 you have published
here, my siblings and I have been wishing we'd find this picture for so many
The man in this olive tree is my father. He had a whole life in Palestine, in
the wars, in the struggle, before having us kids (and we are all US-born, but
our family originates from Jaffa and 'Aseera shamaleya). He told us his
stories through our lives, and whenever we asked if he had any pictures from
this time, he said that no, there wouldn't be any pictures. But that one
time, a photographer came to make a calendar, in the early 70s, and wanted to
take a picture of him. He said, "What do you want me to do?" and they said,
"Anything you want." Since the olive tree was the symbol of Palestine, he
said, take a picture of me in this olive tree. He always wished he could find
this picture again, but sadly he passed away in 2014.
My brother found this picture last week on your site and we knew his eyes
instantly. Thank you for publishing this, thank you for your work with these
archives. This was really a dream come true for us to find this.

The results of this submission may be viewed at:




December - ' A people that tills the soil with bayonets shall real the fruits of freedom and victory.'


September - ' The battle of Al-Karama has paved the way for future battles of victory.'


August - ' With the force of arms is our freedom won.'


July - ' The flames of the battle of Amman has consumed Rogers plan and all other schemes of liquidation.  Our revolution will keep advancing until it achieves victory.'


June - ' Closer will be the dawn of victory, the more fighters spring from Arab soil.'


May - ' We close our ranks on the revolutionary road of liberation and victory.'


April - No translation.