Al 'Asifah Calendar 1971 - November

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic/English caption: The generations that spring in the flames of battle will put an end to the Balfour Declaration and other liquidation schemes in order to establish the Palestinian Arab State
Admin Notes

What do you think?

Dan Walsh 

Sat, Apr 13, 9:43 PM (13 hours ago)


to Bashar

Some guy who was in Beirut in 1970 sent these in today. I think they are all by your father...yes?






PS: He is sending in the missing months next week. I think they are all paintings but some look like photos. What do you think? 

Bashar Shasmmout

7:46 AM (3 hours ago)


to me

Bashar Shammout






Ahlan Dan,


no, sorry, but these aren’t my dad’s. They show the “Al-Asifa” logo which clearly relates them to Fateh. My father didn’t belong to Fateh or any other fraction. I assume they were done by some other artist who is closely related to Fateh.


But they are very important to have them in your PPPA collection..


Thanks for sharing..
