Al Barqawa Castle In Shofeh

Admin Notes

P1020673 P1020707 DWPO.2010b.068 Al-Barqawi Castle in Shofeh Sabella Steve Alarabi AD Palestine Sharek Youth Forum Palestine Aug-10 68.2 x 43.4 village, restoration, art, development Photo of a rusted green metal door and the brick stone wall that surrounds it, draped grape vine Recto: Al-Barqawi Castle in Shofeh/ [UL, same in Arabic at UR]/ Design by Alarabi AD 02 2967356 - Photos by Steve Sabella/UNDP/PAPP archive [vert LL]/ Al-Barqawi Castle in Shofeh/ Palestinian Ministry of Toursim/ USAID FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE/ Programme of Assistance/ to the Palestinian People/ Sharek Youth Forum [LR, with logos of Palestinian Tourism Ministry, USAID, UNDP, Sharek]/ Verso: [Project summary for Al-Barqawi Castle in Shofeh in English & Arabic with photos]/. قلعة البرقاوي في شوفة\ منتدى شارك الشبابي\ برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائية\ برنامج مساعدة الشعب الفلسطيني\ وزارة السياحة الفلسطينية\. Two-sided brochure Arabic English Dan Walsh