Al Mashghal

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: The workshop
Admin Notes

circa 1984

Heba Enayat

24 x 14 inches

(El Mashghal) Women Embroidering

Palestinian Heritage House
Palestine Red Crescent SocietyDan Walsh
10:34 AM (33 minutes ago)

to steven

two items:

1) Can you check the spelling of the artist's name. There is a diff b/t what you have and what I letter

2) Does it say anywhere anything about WHERE these puppies were printed?



steven wachlin
11:07 AM (0 minutes ago)

to me
1. on poster (and calender) Heba Enayat

2. printer not found on any of the posters of this PRC series
but on their 1993 calender in my collection (with repros of posters El Badou (cover), El Mashghal (Jan. Feb. March), Souk (Apr. May June) [the other pages are missing] is printed:

'Printed in Egypt Tel. 535607' and in arabic 'printed by the Arab Egyptian Center'