Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation:
(blue text at top)
Arab Arts Theatre
(yellow text)
Ali Janah Al Tabrizi and his Servant Quffa
(red text)
Composer: Alfred Farag
Starring: Abdul Mana'am Ibrahim
Alfred Farag wrote his first play “Fall of Pharaoh” (1957) at the age of 26. He thenproceeded with his career as a writer. He wrote approximately 52 plays, including: “The Barber of Baghdad” (1964), “Sulayman Al-Halabi” (1965), “Al-Zayr Salim” (1967) and “Atwa with the Jack-Knife” (1993), in addition to some one-act plays such as “Voice of Egypt” (1956) and “The Trap” (1965). In his plays, he discusses serious issues like the problem of national independence in “The Epistles of the Judge of Seville” (1987), and the Palestinian issue in “Fire and Olives” (1970). Some of his works were translated into German and English such as “Ali Janah Al - Tabrizi and his Servant Quffa” (1969) or into English only such as “Marriage on a Divorce Notification” (1973). In addition to being a playwright, he also wrote novels such as “The Story of the Lost Time” (1977) and “The Days and Nights of Sindbad” (1988), and short stories.
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Circa 1969
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