Curator's note:
The second frame from the bottom on the right side of the poster is labeled:
Palestinian freedom fighters
Ok, back to you on the poster. Fireworks Graphics Collective was the designer and publisher. It was offset, so probably printed by Inkworks. The primary graphic was by Terry Forman, as were the renditions on the right. The top one was composite from photos, the middle one from a photo of Puerto Rican PP Carmen Valentine and her son, the bottom was a composite from photos of our own demonstrations. No one remembers what specific photo the two Palestinian women were from, but it surely was the same photo Juan used, although Terry’s version has a lot more detail than anyone could get into a screen print. At the time there were only a few Palestine photos anyone had to work with, and this was a great one, so it is no surprise that there were various renditions. Am attaching a poster I did from a photo in the (NYT?). It went into the exhibit at La Pena in 19?? One of the waitresses remarked, “Oh, that is a photo my boy friend took”. Big shock for me, but it turned out to be by George Azar, who was happy that it was used. Best, Scott Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim no easy victories. Amilcar Cabral
oops... Inbox x Dan Walsh Feb 2 (2 days ago) to Scott I was able to enlarge it enough to read the text in the little frames...the one I focused on says "Palestinian Freedom Fighters" ... Oops! Its by Brother Juan Fuentes! My bad! Here is this the originating graphic: Are all the graphics on this poster by Juan? I see the credit says "Fireworks" ... did they publish or design? tadamon, Dan Image 30051002017835.jpg Scott Braley 1:20 AM (53 minutes ago) to me Checking on this. Fireworks Graphics Collective was the designer and publisher. It was offset, so probably printed by Inkworks. The primary graphic was by Terry Forman, and probably the renditions on the right, but I'll have to find out where the original images came from. Hopefully the Palestinian image was from a photo, and we didn't just rip off Juan Fuentes. Eeek! Best, Scott Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim no easy victories. Amilcar Cabral >