Hello Saady,
We have added two AHRA posters to the Palestine Poster Project Archives website (above)
Would you be so kind as to:
Tell us who the artists are?
Do you have copies you can send us?
Do you have better jpegs?
If you have any other Palestine posters we would be glad to add them to the PPPA.
I am attaching here a brief text to explain why we seek print copies of Palestine posters.
in solidarity,
Dan Walsh, Archivist
Why We Ask For Print Copies of Posters
The PPPA asks for printed copies of posters for a number of reasons, including to:
1) Place copies in major museums, university collections, national archives and other art preservation and cultural heritage sites
2) Legitimate the genre
3) Validate, for research purposes, that the poster has been printed
4) Preservation/Conservation
The PPPA regularly presents duplicate copies of its Palestine posters to: Georgetown University’s Special Collections Library; the Library of Congress; the Middle East Library at Columbia University and a host of other institutions. The PPPA has also exchanged posters with the Jafet Library at the American University of Beirut, the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam and the Museum of Design Zurich. We are seeking to expand the universe of institutions that house/exhibit Palestine posters and if you know of any that might be interested please let us know via the Contact form at the PPPA site.