---------------------- min fudlik... Inbox x PPPA Sat, Mar 21, 9:20 PM (15 hours ago) to Faris ya akhi Faris, I hope you and your family are keeping safe from coronavirus. Here we have Tramp in charge so soon we will all die because he is a cruel fool. I would rather have ANY person be president then him! Q: Can you read/translate the small white text on this poster for me: I know it says "the blackness, tender...your sacred brotherly efforts on the road to victory"...something kitha? Be safe. Be well. Dan Faris Shomali 7:08 AM (5 hours ago) to me Salamat !! I hope at least this virus exposes the necessity of good health care. to me this virus should expose that the system does not work, at least not for the majority! anyways, stay safe, that's what's most important right now. we are all safe here. sitting at home most of the time. you've got the 2nd half of the white text right. aswad, Hanoun and Hayek are family names in Gaza. there are two possibilities: 1) this is referring to Guevara of Gaza (mohammad al aswad) and his 2 comrades that were killed with him: abdil Hadi al Hayek and Kamil al Amsi. there are two reasons I doubt this possibility: first, the third name is Amsi and not Hanoun. however it's usual for people in Palestine to have an official last name and another common last name. so I am not sure. the 2nd reason is that the text beneath it says "ANOTHER guiding lights on the path of victory". this makes me feel that it's referring to a more recent event, while al Aswad was killed in the early 70s. 2) Hanoun and Hayik are indeed referring to martyrs. however, the first word is not Al-Aswad, rather Al-osood (Lions). this leaves us with "Lions, Hanoun and Hayik: another guiding lights on the path of victory". in this case, I have no idea who they are talking about. hope this is helpful, Faris -- +972-2-599395876 Faris Shomali Video : Music :بالعكس/109627312494548 Radio & Website :
Another Guiding Light
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation:
(yellow text at top)
(large white text at top)
The revolution continues
(small white text)
(They were) Lions, Hanoun and Al Hayek: (their martyrdom is) another guiding light on the path of victory
Curator's note: This poster commemorates the deaths of two Palestinian fighters, Kamil Hanoun and Abdul Hadi Al Hayek
Artist / Designer / Photographer
Circa 1975
Special Collection
Status / Acquisition Goals
The PPPA seeks a better JPEG of this poster
The PPPA has only the low resolution digital version of this poster featured
The PPPA seeks more information on this artist/poster/graphic/publisher
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