Anti-Colonial Curation

Admin Notes


Nora Akawi 


Jan 12, 2022, 1:40 PM

Re: Inquiry from Dan Walsh




Inquiry from Dan Walsh







Wed, Jan 12, 1:27 PM (11 hours ago)


to nora.akawi







ya Nora,


MAD respect for organizing this event!


I tried to find either a video of the event or a compendium of papers but came up with nothing so my rafeeq Brinkley Messick suggested I write to you directly, ya'ni mubasharatan.


Mumkin you direct me to either a video or a printed transcription? (I don't know if it was a Zoom event or some other format)


I do anti-colonial curation every day at PPPA and would like to learn more about it, akeed.


Stay safe,

Dan Walsh/PPPA

A revolution which does not aim at changing me by changing the relations between people does not interest me; what is more, I doubt whether a revolution which does not affect me enough to transform me is really a revolution at all. The Palestinian revolution has established new kinds of relations which have changed me, and in this sense the Palestinian revolution is my revolution.


Jean Genet (1970)






Nora Akawi

Wed, Jan 12, 1:40 PM (11 hours ago)


to me









Hi Dan!

Wow so good to hear from you. I’m an admirer of your work!

I designed the poster, in case you’re planning on adding that to the poster info. It would be an honor to appear on your archive in this small way!

Yes I can send you the link, which isn’t public yet!

Let me know if you need other bits of info.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 12, 2022, at 1:27 PM, PPPA wrote:

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Wed, Jan 12, 3:54 PM (9 hours ago)


to Nora







ahlan ya Nora,

We LOVE it when artists send in poster or give us metadata cuz the more complete a page at the PPPA is the more library science cred it generates which translates into acceptance of the genre, the Palestine poster, into the Western canon which has always been my goal. Ya'ni it anti-colonial curating mazboot?


I will add the link when you have it if you like. 


