Chips Mackinolty posters/Palestine
Dan Walsh
10:59 AM (0 minutes ago)
to australianprin.
Hello Roger and Sarina,
I am the curator of the Palestine Poster Project Archives (PPPA) and I just came across the NGA site....awesome!
May I ask you a few questions about Chips Mackinolty and his posters?
Here is his page at the PPPA:
1) Can you send me a working email address for Chips or forward this email to him?
2) Does the NGA trade duplicate posters? The PPPA has a significant Duplicate/Trading Archives
3) Can you tell us if we got the credits correct? I read through the NGA site and I THINK they are correct but I am somewhat confused as to the relationship of/with Tin Sheds/Earthworks/NGA
4) Are you aware of any other Palestine related posters produced by Australian artists/collectids, old or new? I use to distribute Red Back Graphics posters via my firm, Liberation Graphics, back in the day and I have always wondered if RBG did any Palestine works. Do you know?
Thank you!
Dan Walsh
PS: You may reply via the PPPA sight or this email address:
Dan Walsh
date: Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 10:59 AM
subject: Chips Mackinolty posters/Palestine