Anti-Zionism Activism

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About this event

Jewish Solidarity with Palestinians: Anti-Zionism, Activism and Liberation for All

This intergenerational teach-in will explore the past and present of the progressive Jewish Left and Jewish solidarity with Palestinians in the United Kingdom. Speakers will address the history and suppression of the movement and the resurgence of key initiatives and organizations surrounding the campaign for a ceasefire in Gaza. We will also look at key topics such as: The theory and practice of organizing Jewish-Palestinian solidarity in the current moment; student, academic and community organizing; international movements; the scope and vision of Jewish antizionism; anticolonial and diasporic models of progressive Judaism; attacks on educators, students and organizations, including the suppression of freedom of speech and the weaponization of antisemitism in order to silence Palestinians and their allies; progressive definition of antisemitism; and the priorities and future of the movement.


  • Barnaby Raine (Columbia University)
  • Emily Hilton (Naamod Co-founder)
  • Julia Bard (Jewish Socialists’ Group)
  • Haim Bresheeth-Zabner (Jewish Network for Palestine and SOAS)
  • Chana Morgenstern (Cambridge University)

Sponsored by:

  • Law & Resistance Research Group at the University of Sussex
  • Knowledge, Power, Politics (KPP), Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
  • University of Sussex Students’ Union
  • Archives of the Disappeared Research Group, University of Cambridge
  • Jewish Socialists’ Group
  • Centre for Palestinian Studies, SOAS
  • Centre for Lebanese Studies, University of Cambridge
  • LSE Human Rights, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Jews for Justice for Palestinians Student Group, University of Cambridge
  • Sussex Friends of Palestine
  • UCU Sussex
  • UCU Cambridge
  • Cambridge Palestinian Society
  • Tzedek UKI
  • Vashti Media
  • Jewish Network for Palestine
  • Jewish Anti-Zionist Action



“Whilst the importance of freedom of speech and discussion is paramount, this is a particularly sensitive time for Jews. The university at the least should be considering how they can support Jewish students at a time of great worry and concern, rather than hosting speakers who push the lie about the “weaponization of antisemitism”. Platforming speakers who hold the views of those who have recently been kicked out the Labour Party for antisemitism is absolutely disgraceful.”
