Arab Minority

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: (text at bottom) The Arab minority is the natural bridge of peace between Israel and the Arab sections/parties The policy of national discrimination is the bomb that is meant to destroy this bridge Curator's note: This poster depicts a man, Shmuel Mikunis representing the Israeli Communist Party on a bridge which runs between "Israel" on the left and "the Arab countries" on the right. Across the face of the bridge is written "the Arab minority" and the word "equality" is written on the water pouring from the bucket which is dowsing a fire bomb with the word "maltreatment" on it. One figure, Meir Ya'ari, representing the Mapam party sits off to the left with his eyes closed while plugging his ears - perhaps either as a way of saying his party is not involved in the act of destroying the bridge or perhaps as preparation for the explosion. Another figure, Rokeach of the General Zionist party, (Arabic letter "sodd" ص) is trying to alert the other parties that their target, "the Arab minority" is fleeing them. The lone figure on the far left running away represents three "Arab" political parties (Arabic letters "ein"; "nun" and "yad") which represent the following three parties respectively: Progress and Work Party - "nun" ن Agriculture and Development Party - "ein" ع Cooperation and Brotherhood - "yad" ي The figures in the river bed are Ben Gurion of the Mapai party (back to viewer) and Ze'ev Jabotinsky of the Herut party A small dog or rabbit appears to be running away from Ben Gurion
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