Arab Unity - Palestine

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Arabic translation: Arab unity - Palestine
Admin Notes


Your Palestine poster...



Dan Walsh 

9:10 AM (10 hours ago)


to majid777854


ya Majid,


NICE work! Have you done any other Palestine posters? We are happy to add them to the PPPA.

Q: Did you mean to say "Arabic Union" or "Arab Unity"?


MAD respect!


Dan Walsh/PPPA

Majid Alaa El-deen

3:08 PM (4 hours ago)


to me

I'm so glad and happy to choose my poster from you..


Q: Did you mean to say "Arabic Union" or "Arab Unity"? 

A: Yes I think "Arab Unity" the right meaning and I think now I must change the text in design 


I have a new idea already for Palestine, but still in planning and I'm pleasure to send you the design when I finish from it.


You have my respect, Dan Walsh


My best, Majid