Architecture of Repair

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Architecture of Repair In Palestine

9th of January 2025

11:00 am — 3:00 pm

Birzeit University Museum

Ruins have been imposed on the landscape of Palestine by settler colonial and imperial violence for more than a century. Destruction is not new, but the intensity of the current iteration of the genocide is beyond description. In Gaza, an entire society lay in rubble. Palestinian land and bodies, material infrastructure and cultural heritage have endured ongoing and relentless violence, but the past fifteen months have been unbearable. At a time when Palestinian life worlds, in Gaza and in Palestine, are being reduced to rubble and devastation by the settler state, nourishing hope for a just life is paramount.

Please join us on Thursday, January 9th for this workshop held at Birzeit University Museum in collaboration with RIWAQ and RCA — School of Architecture (London) from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, as we gather to nourish hope in the midst of all of this destruction.

Introduction and First Circle: (11:00 to 12:45) 

Rana Barakat: “Generative or Extractive: Intellectualism as Political Practice”

Abdul-Rahim Al-Shaikh: “Repairing Time, Death and Life”

Khaled Odetallah: ”One Afternoon under Muhammad al-Shaikh’s Olive Trees: a Short Biography of the Dream of Beit Hanina University”

Short break (12:45 to 1:00) 

Second Circle (1:00 to 2:30)

Khaldun Bshara: ”After Genocide, We Recuperate: Space, Time, and the Re-making of Gaza”

Yasmeen Qadan: “Methodology of the Senses: ‘Reconstruction’ Violence”

Shatha Safi: “Heritage Rescue and Reconstruction: Concepts of Recovery and Healing”

Conversation (2:30 to 3:00)  

