[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]
Jakob Wilke
10:53 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
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Submitted on Saturday, October 17, 2015 - 14:53
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:
Your name: Jakob Wilke
Your e-mail address: jakob.wilke@gmail.com
Dear Palestine Poster Project,
thank you for your great work! I've been viewing some of your posters with
citruses and olives for a seminar paper I'm writing on.
Your poster "Are you crying for an orange" is really hard to read, but I've
found a text that matches the blurred paragraph. The poster probably reads:
"Pleureras-tu pour une orange?
Pleureras-tu pour une olive?
Oui, je pleurerai pour le grain de sable.
Je pleurerai jusqu’à ce que tu saches
que la Palestine est mon pays." (source:
As many of your posters' descriptions include transcriptions, I thought this
may aid your project.
Jakob Wilke
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