Arrest Arafat At the Gates of Jerusalem!

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text

Hebrew translation:

(bold white and red text at top)

Abu Dis is the last dam before the Temple Mount

On Independence Day, at four o'clock in the afternoon we will go to Jerusalem and march

From Abu Dis to the Temple Mount

We will illustrate with the short step

About twenty minutes of walking the remaining zero distance

From Palestinian control to the mountain

We will end in a great assembly, by reading and claiming:

(red text in middle of poster)

The Temple Mount is near us!

The entire event is coordinated and secured by the security forces

Meeting points:


For those coming by private cars and public transportation: Hamelek St. (Mamila) between King David St.

Next to the new Hilton hotel.

From there, organized shuttles will depart to the starting point. 


For those who come in groups on organized buses: arrive at the southern end of the Mount of Olives cemetery

On Jericho Road, near the police building at the border guard checkpoint.

At the end of the rally, pick up from the Givat parking lot near Shear Hashupt.

Phone numbers for transportation inquiries:

04-8237673 052-366555 :

From the Haifa area and the north:

From the Sharon region:

From the Gush Dan area:

From Samaria and Benjamin:

From Gush Etzion and Mount Hebron:

From Rehovot, the Lowlands and the South:

This is our country

Arrest Arafat at the gates of Jerusalem!

Image source: