¤tr...Museum of Design Zurich From:
Subject: AW: AW: Thanks, yes...may I ask further...
Date: March 31, 2010 6:08:55 AM EDT
To: liberation@igc.orgDear Dan
No, naturally it's important to share informations and it's the most interesting thing to do. There is only a lack of time, always the same problem...
On the backside of the Carboni-Poster is written her full name and the date: 1972. I think again, it's written by Margadant.
Also, it's the typical style of all her posters. I don't know exactly if Margadant has met her, but it's quite possible. He has collected the posters over a long time and with an own personal interest and engagement. He has travalled a lot around the world an he knows a lot of artists and graphic designers.
I only have arrived in the collection when the exhibition with his posters have been organized (1998). I think that he has done interviews and naturally before buying the collection, the museum (Martin Heller at this time)has spoken a lot with him. Margadant has also edited the catalogue for the exhibition: "Hoffnung und Widerstand, Das 20. Jahrhundert im Plakat der internationalen Arbeiter- und Friedensbewegung". You should have it. There, you also can find the Matta-Poster with a small text by Herbert Read about Roberto Sebastian Matta. All the small textes to the posters have been selected by B. Margadant.
Perhaps, I will find the courage to phone him during the next months. I have to find a good moment because I'm a little bit afraid that he is not quite well and I have not been in contact with him for a very long time. Let us see!
Here are two articles (in german) about him, perhaps you can translate them?:
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Dan Walsh []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. März 2010 11:43
An: Richter Bettina
Betreff: Re: AW: Thanks, yes...may I ask further...
Hello Again,
I hope you will not get bothered or annoyed with all these questions.
If it is a headache for you please say so and I will stop.
BUT...I want you to know that your answers help me a lot especially since I am looking to validate my research beyond the level of mere aesthetics and onto the world of anthropology...which requires lots of deep questions and even deeper answers.
So..if Carboni did not sign any of her do we actually KNOW she created them?
Do you know if Margadant got the posters DIRECTLY from Carboni? When he gave the posters to the Museum did he also give maybe records or interviews about how he collected the posters?
You said you don't have a "mail" address for him: did you mean to say "email"?
Last question, would you consider calling his number and learning if an email address is available? He does not know me from Adam and I don't know if he speaks English (my French is terrible)
It would be lovely to be able to write to him about his posters.
I am so grateful to you for your patience and generosity.
On Mar 31, 2010, at 5:10 AM, wrote:
Dear Dan
There is no signature on the Carboni poster. She never has signed her
posters! We have some others from her in the collection, all without a
On the Matta-poster there is a very small signature in the corner of
the poster, with pencil, only written "Matta". I'm not sure if it is
from Matta himself...
Margadant should be around. I didn't see him for a long time. I don't
know nothing about his state of health. He has 81 years now.
His address is:
Bruno Margadant
Burggraben 26
9000 St. Gallen
071 223 69 93
I don't have a mail address of him!
(and you are also working at every time!!!!)
Best wishes,
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Dan Walsh []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. März 2010 09:52
An: Richter Bettina
Betreff: Thanks, yes...may I ask further...
Good Morning Bettina (it is 3:48am here!)
Thanks for this. It is useful, of course.
Q: Where on the Carboni poster is her signature? Or is it signed
anywhere? I THOUGHT the small vertical type was going to be her
signature. it signed anywhere?
Q: Same for the there NO signature on the
poster itself?
Q: Is Margadant around?
On Mar 31, 2010, at 3:34 AM, wrote:
Dear Dan
On the poster of E. Carboni is written:
"Esente da bollo Stampa E.L.C. - Roma", so it's just the name of the
printng house. Esente da bollo means a kind of tax to put teh poster
in the streets.
The other poster of Matta: on the backside of the poster it's written
only the name "Matta", I think by Margadant. A stilistic analysis
with the work of Roberto Sebastian Matta must have lead to him.
Is that ok for the moment?
Best wishes,
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Dan Walsh []
Gesendet: Sonntag, 28. März 2010 21:44
An: Richter Bettina
Betreff: Note from Dan Walsh...
Hello Bettina,
Since the number of artists producing Palestine posters seems to be
increasing (as opposed to all other genres of political poster art,
which are disappearing) I would like to suggest to them that they
donate copies of their works to the Museum of Design Zurich for
inclusion in its holdings. Is this something you would welcome?
I have already mentioned this to a group of artists working in
Lebanon, called Jamaa al Yad (The Raised Fist Collective) and you
should be hearing from them soon. Their works are very important and
I already have them at the PPPA site if you care to review them:
I will not recommend to any more artists/collectives to contact you
until I hear back from you.
The other item was to ask you:
1) How do we know that the above poster "Auschwitz-Palestine" is by
Sebastian Matta, of Chile? Is there a signature on the poster? If
there is, may I ask you to shoot a digital macro shot of it for me?
2) Regarding the above poster by Elisabetta Carboni...would it be
possible for you to shoot a digital macro shot of the text running
vertically up the side of the poster on the left in the yellow field?
Best regards.