Autumn Clouds - Gazawood Series

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Curator's note: The posters in the Gazawood series were awarded first prize in the A. M. Qattan Foundation's 2010 "Young Artists of the Year Award"__________________________ The titles of all the posters in this Special Collection refer to Israeli military operations launched against Gaza. The posters promote "imaginary films" that were produced by an imaginary film company named "Gazawood", a pun on "Hollywood".Both the posters and the company are the creative products of two brothers, Ahmad and Mohammad Abu Nasser, who gave themselves the "screen" names of "Tarzan" and "Arab"From the A. M. Qattan Foundation catalog: Anthony Quinn’s dance in Zorba the Greek, and the last breath of Michael (played by Al Pacino) in The Godfather, are two unforgettable scenes in the history of cinema. Such images are of the finest humanity and a condensation of the moment, of love and madness. Without doubt, these images contributed to creating our warm memories of cinema and set our pulse running out of a passion for colours and images. Driven by the innocence of a child and a dream, we collect picture cut outs, film reels and songs, across time and since the birth of our dream of cinema. Something was growing inside us, allowing us to realise that there is no siege that could suffocate our heavenly passion, and our belonging to this identity and dream.Gabriel García Márquez wrote in his autobiography: “Artistic tendency is the most mysterious of all, because one dedicates one’s whole life to it, without expecting anything in return.”
Admin Notes

ya akhi...

Dan Walsh
12:12 PM (1 hour ago)

to arab.ver
ya rafeeqy,

I have opened all the files you sent.


I am going to add them all.

Question: Do you have a web site?

If yes, send me the link and I will add it to all your pages at the PPPA, tayyib?

Question: Are there any OTHER links you want added to your PPPA pages.

If yes, please send now.

in solidarity with the people of Gaza,

Dan al akh

Arab A. Nasser
12:16 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

Images are not displayed. Display images below - Always display images from
dear thx alot alot
It's my pleasuer to but my work on this websit
ni I don't have website
and soon I will send some new poster after they showung about arab reveliotion
:) thaks for you soliarty with gazan people
[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]

Arab and Tarzan via
5:52 AM (8 hours ago)

to me
Submitted on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - 10:52
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:

Your name: Arab and Tarzan
Your e-mail address:
Subject: Our Poster
Category: General question or comment
Poster Upload:
Hi Dear
I hope you are doing well
im arab from Gaza and Im who make the projrct GAZAWOOD with my brother Tarzan and you but our posters on your wonderful website and I don't know the quality of this posters no good ... if you can make delete for this poster and replace it by good posters
this is the URL for all poster can you replace it

Much recpect and love

The results of this submission may be viewed at:

Dan Walsh
10:03 AM (3 hours ago)

to Arab
Dear Brother Arab,

So good to hear from you! We love your work! Please say hello to Tarzan for us.

The PPPA WANTS to feature all your posters but we do not have good images/jpegs.

I downloaded the ILivid software but I cannot/do not see any of your posters.

We want to have good posters at the PPPA...

We salute your work and hope you and your family and all the Palestinian people will one day have freedom, independence and return.


Dan al rafeeq

Dan Walsh
10:43 AM (3 hours ago)

to Amer, Yara
ya Amer,

I see the link for the ILivid download...but I don't see a link for posters? Do you?

Dan Walsh
10:45 AM (3 hours ago)

to Rochelle

Do u c a link/anything to actual posters?

Rochelle Davis
10:56 AM (3 hours ago)

to me
When I click on the link in their email
my Turkish IP won't let me go there (not sure why -- explanation is in Turkish).
So no, in answer to your questions. But it should -- it is a zip file.

But you know these guys, right? They are awesome.
I bet they've got really good posters to add.

Dan Walsh
10:59 AM (2 hours ago)

to Rochelle
ya ustaza,

I figured it out and yes, their work is great. There are 21 NICE jpegs in the zip file and I will begin adding them today.

I love how the artists love the site.

al mushkilji