Bab El Shams - Al Kasaba

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Special thanks to Rochelle Davis and Andrea Davis for organizing and creating this portfolio  
Admin Notes

P1030756 DWPO.2009.006 Bab El Shams Al Kasaba Theatre & Cinematheque Palestine 2009 99.9 x 70.1 Play, theater, Elias Khoury Photo of doctor peering down at movie reel with reflection of himself in it, text at top, UR, and bottom AL KASABA THEATRE & CINEMATHEQUE [top center]/ Bab El Shams/ Bab El Shams for the talented Lebanese/ writer Elias Khouri [UR, in Arabic & English]/ Adapted by: Najib Ghallale & George Ibrahim/ Directed by: Najib Ghallale/ Acted by: Makram Khouri/ Set designer: Abd El Salam Abdo/ Music: Bishara Al Khill/ Light Designer: Muaz Al Jubeh [LR, in Arabic & English]/ Al Kasaba/ Theatre and Cinematheque/ Shams [LL, in Arabic]/. باب الشمس\ عن رائعة الكاتب اللبناني \ الياس خوري\ اعداد: نجيب غلال وجورج ابراهيم\ اخراج: نجيب غلال\ تمثيل: مكرم خوري\ ديكور: عبد السلام عبده\ موسيقى: بشارة الخل\ تصميم اضاءة: معاذ الجعبة\ القصبة\ مسرح وسينماتك\ شمس\. Poster Creasing at right edge especially lower half, some creasing at bottom edge, 6.5 cm tear at UL edge, .9 cm tear at UL corner, five staple marks at top edge Arabic English Dan Walsh