Baghdad Playground

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Artist's Statement:This print was done in 2005, it is a linocut that measures 16"x23". It was done in response to the Iraq War and civilian casualities, in particular children. The work is titiled, "Baghdad Playground".
Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message:

From: Juan Fuentes
Date: January 30, 2011 1:09:00 PM EST
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: Brother Juan...

Hello Dan,

This print was done in 2005, it is a linocut that measures 16"x23".
It was done in response to the Iraq War and civilian casualities, in
particular children. The work is titiled, "Baghdad Playground". I
did a very small edition, no more than ten and at this time I have no
copies. I may try and reprint some in the future, I have not done any
Palestine work in sometime now, but I have continued to do work
related to the Middle East and War.

On another note I will be doing a presentation with Nancy Hom on
February 8th in Santa Barbara (UCSB) for Sal Guerna at CEMA. We will
be talking about cross cultural work that was done in the 1970's and
80's. It is part of an exhibit that they have mounted from their
collection. I will also be signing a contract with CEMA to create a
Juan Fuentes archive there, so I'm pretty excited to get this done.


On 1/28/11, Dan Walsh wrote: you have a title for this? Got copies?

Have you done any other Palestine work lately?

I got this jpeg from Josh MacPhee.

in solidarity,


PS: Soon there will be 5,000 posters at the PPPA site....