Bang - Bang

Admin Notes

life is sweet...

Dan Walsh
7:14 PM (3 hours ago)

to Rochelle, Catherine
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amer Amin
Date: Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 5:46 PM
Subject: [ PPPA Contact Form Submission]

Submitted on Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 21:46
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:

Your name: Amer Amin
Your e-mail address:
Subject: Poster Submission
Category: Comments on New Curriculum
Poster Upload:
Hi this is Amer Amin of Manara Design studio, I'm listed on this website with one poster under alquds music festival, I'd like to add to 4 more posters to this collection, you can find them under this link,

thanks a lot.
mad respect for such project!

AmerThe first release of posters from Manara, has included 4 posters, The first one is the red rooster on a white background, 'Es7a' - translate to 'Wake up'. The second one with torn olive trees and blue background 'Hal Araak fi Olaak' a phrase from the Arab national anthem, Mawteni, translates to - 'Will I ever see my country in a good shape'. The third one is the Arabic remake of the famous poster 'Bang Bang', with a water gun instead of the revolver. The last one is a poster dedicated to the city of Jaffa, 'Wajh al Butuqaal Shams Yafa' translates to 'The face of the orange is the sun for Jaffa'.